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An open, webbed tubular shaped retainer stretch net composed of cotton, polyester fiber and high elastic, used for secure wound dressing. Tapes and adhesives are not required thus preventing allergy/irritation. The flexible net design of JONARIN's SPANDAGE allows free breathing and movement.

Spandage Use

  • Efficient wound management easy examination and dressing change.
  • Especially effective in burn care, surgeries, post-op dressing, donor wound graft sites
  • Daily dressing changes.
  • Retainer net holds hot and cold packs, iv tubes, medical devices, pads used for incontinence, diabetic ulcer & chronic wounds.
  • SPEOFIC INDICATION - Patients with fragile skin and allergic to adhesive tapes.

Mechanism of Action

The gentle pressure provided by our SPANDAGE ensure proper microcirculation enabling FASTER wound healing than other bandages. The open web structure ensure optimum ventilation thereby ELIMINATING itching and skin discoloration.

Why jonarin's Spandage & not bandage?

JONARIN'S SPANDAGE stretches Triple its original size ie, less material consumption!! (Cost effective than any conventional dressing material). All thread joints are knitted you can cut opening to any size without the risk of becoming damaged. Spandage does not obstruct circulation so does not cause skin irritation.


Features & Benefits.

  • Washable, reusable, flexible and aerated
  • Fit easily over any body part (lower abdominal, groin, joints) & also over bulky dressing.
  • No use of adhesive tapes other fastening (no pain from tape removal, no tape excoriation problem & no fear of allergies. Fits well on hairy skin)


  • Allows easy wound inspection and quick application for wounds which need frequent dressing.
  • Comfortable and secure, absolute freedom of movement.
  • Promote micro blood circulation.
  • Non irritant & non allergic (ideal for all skin types skin).


  • Can be used on SWOLLEN WOUNDS due to its stretching ability.
  • Cuts easily & stretches to various body parts and shapes.
  • Used as dressing retention.